I first started learning the Visual Basic.NET programming at the beginning of my A Levels. Visual Basic.NET opened the world of programming to me and taught me all the fundamentals I needed to know. We started off learning console programming and basic loops and ended up creating full, form based programmes using Object Oriented Programming (OOP).
The programming aspect was my favourite part of my Computing course since it allowed me freedom to create things in my own way and challange me logically.
For my end of year project, I created a program for my driving instructor so that he could manage all his lessons and bookings in one, user friendly environment.
The project was implemented with objects, binary files and printed outputs in a Windows form based environment. The whole project took me through the stages of analysis, development, design, implementation, testing, user manuals and evaluation which brilliant since it gave me an insight to how programs and projects are created in industy….
Through the use of Objects I realised how useful and versatile they are, I learnt about relationships between different objects and the heirarchy that they can be used to form.
I recieved an A* grade for the project part of my computing course.